You must have a Premium Account in order to use emoticons. We've selected exactly 538 smilies, expressions, symbols and other stuff for everyone to enjoy. You can transform your account in a Premium Account from the "manage account" section.
To insert an emoticon anytime, press CONTROL+V or SHIFT+5 (%) to reveal the emoticon category list. Then you can use the CURSOR KEYS to navigate the categories and select your desired emoticon. Up and Down cursor will change the current category. Left and Right cursor choose the emoticon inside the current category. lige el emoticono. Press ENTER key to insert the selected emoticon into the input cursor position. If you want to cancel, exiting the emoticon category list, press BACKSPACE or ESCAPE (your icon will not be inserted).
Emoticons are part of the text your typing. You can erase them, move the input cursor through them to insert text, or include several emoticons in the same line.
Using /bind to associate emoticons to a word or symbols to make them appear
To better enjoy your favourite emoticons, you can create 'associations' (or binds) between words or symbols and an emoticon. This way, when you type that word or symbols, that will be automatically replaced by the emoticon you bound, as you type.
Your 'binds' are saved to the \data\config\autoexec.txt file on your game folder, that is executed every time you start the game, so you can re-use your binding without having to type them again every time you play.
- To bind an emoticon, use the /bind command.
The sintax is:
/bind alias emoticon
to bind the desired emoticon to the typed alias.
Step by step: type /bind followed by a space, then type smile followed by a space, then press CTRL+V or SHIFT+5 (%), choose your emoticon using the cursor keys and hit ENTER. Hit again the ENTER key to execute the /bind command. A message will show you if it's done ok. Once it's right, test it typing smile. You should see the emoticon automatically replacing the word "smile". The most usual form of binding emotions is using symbols as :-) ;-) X-D and so on for smiles, etc.
- Please note that the /bind command syntax is /bind alias whatever, where 'whatever' can be an emoticon or a bunch of text and / or emoticons. The 'alias' of the command part cannot contain spaces, must be at least one (1) character length.
- To delete a binding, use /bind alias, nothing more. Where 'alias', the alias you want to delete.
- In order to use emoticons in your /setacckey commands, we recommend the following method: First bind an alias to an emoticon, say /bind :) and then just use that alias :) inside your /setacckey command, specially when you edit manually the setacckey file. Once in game, when you use your function key to bring up your setacckey, the emoticon will automatically appear.